London Plays Itself

We design regenerative events rooted in London. We believe that gatherings in real life should happen in real life.

The case for place

We love bringing people together.

For years, we have helped groups learn, form friendships, find allies, celebrate milestones, and make commitments.

And here’s the thing. A lot of people focus on what events achieve for the people in the room. We think that they can be more.

What if the way we gathered could make us more connected - not just with each other, but with the communities and ecosystems around us? What if we saw the setting for our events as more than a passive, stylised backdrop for the main plot? What if London played itself?

Here’s what we are trying to do:

  • Connect mission-driven venues and caterers, social enterprises and local artists to audiences and revenue streams that can help expand their impact

  • Help event organisers create inspiring experiences while building relationships with and investing in local communities

  • Make it easier for small businesses and charities to host without the infrastructure or marketing capacities of the big players

  • Bring attention to under-represented neighbourhoods, issues, and perspectives

  • Leave hosts and guests alike feeling more connected, energised and inspired



Our name

Our name is an homage to the 2003 Thom Andersen film Los Angeles Plays Itself, which explores how easily we caricature, flatten and misrepresent cities, and in doing so further alienate citizens from any shared idea of their home. More recently, “to play yourself” has also come to mean “to work against your conscious intentions and interests”. Does London all too often fall into these traps? We think so, and we believe our gatherings can bring a more plural and purposeful London to the spotlight.

Let’s work together.

Are you working at the neighbourhood scale to build a sustainable, just and joyful London? Do you have a space or a service to offer? Would you like to co-host events with us?

Are you planning a gathering or experience in London, and interested in discovering a new side of the city while supporting local, independent, mission-driven organisations?